Category Archives: Phone post

I have an orange ball

My orange ball

A bunch of people from Russcon got together and played some putt-putt golf. There was a contest where the winner got the prize of designing the next meta-game (weird, huh?). I was not in the running at all. I did get two holes in one. When the first one happened, my blue colored ball matched the blue colored light (that rotates between the 4 possible golf ball colors) that was currently showing. Because of that, I traded my blue ball for a orange ball and a coupon for one dollar off the next game.

All in all, it was a fun time.


Kite flying

Boy, this kite is tempermental! The high wind is not helping my life any… And trying to frame a good picture with my phone in one hand and really bright sunlight and one moody kite was, shall we say, interesting.



In preparation for the Zilker Kite Festival, I unpacked my small stunt kite. As I dusted off the Florida sand and sandburs, I savored the long forgotten memories.

I used to own two kites. My other kite was a bigger, plain Jane version. I am rather embarrased to recount the story of why I no longer own that kite. My friends and I decided to see just how high we could get it to fly. After reeling out the thousand foot string, we were depressed that the wind was dragging it much farther downwind than it was giving it altitude. Rather than reel it back, we decided to cut it loose. I just hope that whose ever house that kite finally landed on did not mind so much, and reused it in a much better and more dignified manner.

P.S.Man, how I hated sandspurs! Those spikes were long and just tough enough to puncture skin but weak enough to occasionally break off when you tried to remove them. And they where everywhere!

Blue Bonnets!

Blue Bonnets

Ahhh, Spring is in the air! The first of the Blue Bonnets have started to bloom. Hopefully, this year will be a good one. I would like to take more pictures of them.

Controlling your environment

work building at night

Well, this morning, I pulled a Jon. I woke up at 3:00 am when it started raining outside and the dripping water causes the metal gutters to make a racket. Since I was thirsty and my mouth was dry, I drank some water. I have noticed that doing that at night sometimes causes my digestive system to become active (“Hey, I’ve got water. Let’s process something!”). Now I can’t get back to sleep, so I decide to go to work instead.

As I drive in to work, I find it pretty convenient that I can dial into the building and turn on my floor’s lighting and cooling systems. When I arrive, I can find my office and everything is comfy. What is not so convenient is that you can only badge into the doors on one side of the building and the lights turn back off after a certain time.

Fire truck watering cement?

Fire Truck

As I drove out for lunch, I passed this sight. A Round Rock fire truck was spraying a lot of water behind a building. So, I decided to stop and take a picture. But when I got there, they had turned off the water. I wonder what they were up to?

New Corvette goodness


A couple of weeks ago, I passed a somewhat new Hummer H2 towing a brand new black Corvette. This is obviously someone who has money to burn. Unfortunately, because it was the morning rush hour on IH-35, I was not able to take a picture.

Now, I come across this brand new black Corvette and wonder if that is the same person. But I do not ponder for long since the call of the hatch chile sauce is calling to me.

Update: This evening on my drive home. I passed a white van that had painted on the side: “Royal Norwegian Air Force Training” and towards the end of the van: “Apache division”. How odd! What did they do? Drive here?!?!


Kitchen #1

I went to Central Market’s cooking school
tonight to learn how to make gumbo. This is a hands on class that has 16 people
in it. They are divided up into four teams that will make: seafood gumbo, chicken
gumbo, duck gumbo, and venison gumbo. I was on the team that made the venison
gumbo. We cut the vegtables and followed the recipie, but due to time constraints
the roux (4 different stages: blonde, peanut butter, milk chocolate, and dark chocolate)
and the marinated meat were already prepared.

Venison gumbo

And this is the result! I think that this class is well worth taking. You definately
eat a lot of food. We started out the night with spicy shrimp in remoulade sauce.
They served Louisiana beer and played Cajun music. We then cooked and ate the four
gumbos. After that, we topped it off with
Blue Bell Mardi Gras
ice cream and a cookie.

The noisiest tree I know

This tree speaks to me as I feed my beast. There must be hundreds of birds that live in the tree. They spend most of their time at night bickering amongst themselves. Or, could they be hurling insults at me and my beast and compete for the prized worm?