Tonight, the only game that I played was Goa. The russcon group has been infatuated with word games recently. And tonight was no exception. Almost everyone wanted to play Letras. I decided to sit it out and wait for more people to show up. When another person showed up, I suggested Goa.
Another problem with russcon folks is that they take longer to play games. Goa says on the box that it is a 90 minute game and we took 3 hours to play the game. Some of the reasons for that is people get up to talk to other people, or to get food, or to talk on the phone. But that doesn’t account for that much of the wait. This group just operates on a different timescale.
It is a shame that Goa is not played that often. We seem to play it once a year. Because it has been so long since I last played it, I did not remember any old strategy or things to look out for.