Barbie H2

Barbie H2

If a woman is going to drive a Hummer, then it should be painted pink and have Barbie painted on it. “My Barbie can roll over your car…”

2 thoughts on “Barbie H2

  1. edroz

    Ah yes, the Barbie Hummer. Seen it many times because it lives in our old neighborhood, just around the corner from our old house. The mother who drives it has three daughters, and apparently all four are Barbie fanatics. The husband recently decided to get his own Hummer and it has a Sponge Bob Square Pants theme (I kid you not). Who needs two Hummers? Can you imagine their gas bill?
    I have also seen the “Kool Bus” (Hummer with school bus look with “Kool Bus” on it instead of “School Bus”) and one with a Mrs Baird’s Bread theme.

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