Game day 09/01/2005

Game #1

King Arthur the Card Game

Well, thankfully, Jon had an emergency hosting of game night, since I was innundated with a work-related emergency. For the first game, we tried out a new game that I ordered from Adam Spielt. And that was a new Knizia game that was based on another of his board games. It is a quick game about completing adventures of the Knights of the Round Table. Doug and I got off to a quck start by completing easy adventures while Jon opted to gather large sets of Knights to complete the tougher adventures. When I finished the game, I found out that Doug pipped me by one point! I guess I tried to go for too many easy (and low point scoring) adventures… I was a good game that I would play again.

Game #2

Coloretto Amazonas

For our second game, Doug’s roommate, Matt, joined us. And I brought out another new game that is the sequel of a popular game, Coloretto. In this game, each player has 4 spots to place cards based on color. During their turn, they have two choices: they can play a card on their own area, or they can give a card to their opponent (and hopefully remove a card from them). Unfortunately, Matt did not seem to understand this game and gave Doug several cards (instead of giving them to someone else to remove them). And this, I believe, helped Doug win the game. I think this game needs another playing to determine if it is as good as the original game. In the first playing, it did not seem like there was enough difficult decisions to make. And there was no feeling of pushing your luck either.

Game #3

Maharaja: Palace Building in India

For the last game of the night, we play a relatively new game which unfortunately we do not play anymore for some reason (perhaps because there are too many new games now). I made one critical mistake during the game which put me out of the running to win the game. I had the build a palace for 9 guy with just enough money to perform my two actions. Jon went before me and accidently selected the “steal another player’s ability” action. He then decided to steal mine and then I could not perform my two actions. This allowed Doug to be the sole winner of one area (giving him a +5 bonus I think). Unfortunately, this game is brutal in that you cannot recover from such a mistake to get back into the running. Sigh.

Another thing that was not fun was that both Grimms were seriously grimming during this game. It seemed like it took forever to finish the game.