Game Day 01/12/2006

Game #1


We started out the night with a game that John brought called Rook. He described it as a trick taking game, so we decided to play it. I later learned that he didn’t use the correct rules. However, the rules he explained were more interesting. On your turn, if you cannot follow the suit that was led, you must trump if possible. You also must over-trump if possible. Which would be a bad thing if your partner is currently taking the trick. This makes the bidding phase more interesting.

You bid the number of point that you think that your team will win. Whoever wins the bid gets five extra cards that they may swap out with into their hand (from 0 – 5 of them). Then the five cards (new or not) are left aside and whoever gets the last trick will also get these cards (which may have points in them).

Game #2

Don Pepe

We decided to play this light and quite mean spirited filler game. And it has been a while since we played it which is a shame. Its not that bad of a game as long as everyone is in the mood for singing “It’s your birthday!”.

Game #3


Another playing of Caylus for me and it still hasn’t lost its appeal for me. The only mistake that I made was in the second to the last round of the game. I had built 3 of a possible 4 castles for the majority. And I decided to keep the last one unbuilt in order to try and get the majority again (which is normally a good thing). However, Doug was able to build enough castles first to stop anyone else from building. In the end, we both tied for the win! Now that I think about it, if I would have built one more castle, I would have gotten two more victory points. Sigh.

Game #4

Geschenkt x 2

I happen to like this light push your luck (or avoidance) game. The only dillema is what cards are missing from the deck and how many rounds can you keep other people chipping to avoid a card that you want.

Game #5


Jon really wanted to play Tichu since he did not play during lunch this week. So his penality was to play with John. On the first hand, Jon wished for an ace that I didn’t have but John did (hehehe).

The scorecard for a game of Tichu

GT or T bet made or lost

This team scored more points than the other or one twoed

GT/T Team #1 GT/T GT/T Team #2 GT/T
MarkH & Marty Jon & JohnG
  400 GT+   0  
  400     200  
T+   220  
  620   T-
  T+ 280