I wanted to try out Dot’s new location for lunch today. Dot’s burned down last year. And they were trying to raise money for a new place in the interim. I read in our Community Impact Newspaper July edition that Dot’s had rebuilt a new restaurant in Pflugerville. I figured that it would be open by now. Sadly, it wasn’t. So I drove over to that African restaurant (Ts?). But it was closed as well. Gah!
On the way out of Pflugerville, I ran across Cafe Mangú. I had read about it but was unable to find it. It is pretty well hidden on the west side of 1825 pretty close to IH-35. The restaurant doesn’t even have its own parking. You have to park in the auto repair shop next door.
I ordered the Cubano and it was pretty good (although they used a runny mayonnaise sauce). The maduras (plantain banannas) were excellent. It has been a long time since I have had a Cubano. I miss South Florida at times.