Disc Golf 10/13/2006

tree down

At Old Settler’s Park today, I noticed that there were more trees down. They seem to be slowly being destroyed by nature on the order of 1 or 2 a week. This tree is hanging on by a thread of bark. But its dead Jim, and I can’t do anything about it.

disc in water

There is something about hole 3. Every single time I throw there, I go towards the stream. But even knowing this does not help me avoid the stream. Usually, John throws towards the right. However, today it went left into the stream (I avoided it by a couple of feet — twice!)

snakes on a disc

Snakes on a disc: On the next hole John throws his disc and, when he finds it, he discovers a problem. There is a small snake in close proximity to it. I walk up and ask him what is wrong. He asks me how do I determine if a snake is poisonous. I respond “when in doubt, assume non-poisonous.” Fat lot of help I am… let me tell you. So John starts chanting “black next to red: you’re dead”, “red next to black: heart attack” or some such unhelpful mnemonic. I just walk up to it, take its picture, scare it away, pick up the disc, and hand it to him. Case solved.