Game Day 10/14/2006

Game #1

Gloria Mundi

John brought Gloria Mundi into Extreme Pizza for us to play. He wanted to play outside. But since I had spent all of disc golfing outside and we were going to go disc golfing again, I opted to play indoors. So John explained the rules to us and we started to play. However, the game was extremly broken (I would call it flawed). The game was progressing. But no one was building a building that would last more than one turn. Looking at the rules again, we noticed that you start with resources. So we tried it again. But it was still broken (Gloria Flawedi). We kept playing and, every time it got to my turn, I couldn’t shake the flawed feeling. There was no good move for me and I could not make a building. Finally, someone spotted that we start out with one of each resource card down (or built). This would at least provide some income to bribe the barbarians with and help protect your buildings. But would it fix this game?