I did the early voting during my vacation, so I have already voted. Have you? This was my ballot. What I found disheartining was the fact that there are uncontested seats! And everyone of them is a Republican.
Last week I saw the documentary on HBO called Hacking Democracy. And it was absolutely shocking. It was about the lack of review of the electronic voting machines and how it could affect our democracy. What really drove the point home was when they proved just how easy it was to change votes. They went to an official Florida voting station and got an official to run a test. They created a sample ballot and, in the open, put six votes for “no”
and two for “yes”. The hacker’s only involvement was to supply an electronic memory card. Which the scanning machine validated as having 0 votes on it. When they ran the results, it came out for “yes”. This was because there were negative votes for “no” and cancelling positive votes for “yes”. Apparently, the totalling system just adds the two together and tests for zero.
Watch it on HBO, or on Google video while you still can.