I hate supermarkets. Their business model seems to be constantly churning the list of products that they carry. Or maybe its the manufactures that get rid of products that I like and introduce “new and improved” products that I don’t like. So, when I was hooked on 4 teas that I used to make iced tea with (in an effort to move away from high sugar fruit juices in the morning). I knew I was in a bind. It came as no surprise to me when my local grocery stopped carrying the variants that I liked. I now had to drive down to Central Market to buy the tea I wanted. Why one store stops carrying something when another store in the same chain still carrys it is a mystery to me.
So, this week I said “screw it!” This is what the inter-webs are for. Amazon.com grocery with prime shipping carrys my flavours. They even offered a $10 dollar off coupon and with prime shipping I can get it in two days for free. The only problem is that the minimum size is a case. Now I have 24 boxes of tea. That is probably a year’s supply for me.