I received this spam email today. I never knew that I was so mean…
Monthly Archives: August 2009
Game Day 08/12/2009
We started off with another filler game of Race For The Galaxy.
It took us a while but we finally decided on a game to play: The Princes of Machu Picchu. I took a different strategy this game. I tried concentrating on activating my priests as much as I could during the game. And I didn’t place that many workers out in the field. Unfortunately for me, I could not collect the set of cards that I wanted. They were spread out into too many areas. And since I didn’t have a lot of workers out in the field, I didn’t score that much at the end. It was also the first game that I have played where we had an ending due to the arrival of the Spanish conquerors.
Cheeseburger cupcakes link via
Celebrity shielding flashgun handbag defeats paparazzi link via
A personal ad.. in graph form link via
MIT develops camera-like fabric link via
78 Photography Rules for Complete Idiots link via
Fail Whale in Pop Culture link via
How to make a fish eye lens for a camera for $16 link via
A Giant Gundam robot arrives in Tokyo link via
Brownie burger cupcakes and cookie fries link via
Add night vision to your Canon DSLR link via
The calorie delusion: Why food labels are wrong link via
The National Debt road trip link via
Make art from Starbuck’s junk link via
Hand rendered printing link via
Invisible flash takes photos without the glare link via
Three keyboard cat moon link via
Germany bans Sprite ad (NSFW) link via
Former oil rig worker spends 15 years making model of oil rig out of four million matchsticks link via
10 Worst Evolutionary Designs link via
Palin’s resignation: the edited version link via
There might be life on Mars link via
Four early disasters in Earth’s history link via
Ukulele orchestra performs: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly link via
Tiny labels could pack lots of information, enable new uses link via
Building Rome in a day (from Flickr) link via
Explosive gummy bears link via
How to Use Textures to Enhance Your Photographs link via
I now pronounce you monetized link via
Skating like a roller coster link via
Photoshooting digital etiquette link via
Mona Lisa in coffee cups link via
iQ font was drawn by a car link via
Human powered monorail racetrack link via
Fighting a tax appraisal link via
Compact camera now has a projector link via
Game Day 08/08/2009
The meetup group used to meet regularly and at a large gaming space (even if it was in a church). But it doesn’t anymore. Only occasionally will it meet elsewhere. This time was at a wine creation place (with a Christian sounding Water To Wine). There are only a couple of tables here. And they are cramped! But I will take what I can get.
We started off with a opening game of Race For The Galaxy.
We then moved on to a three player game of Through The Ages (even kicking out a potential fourth player). Jose was new to this game. But he started off strong. He was far out in the lead for most of the game. It was only in the third era that I started making progress towards catching up to him. And, when we were performing final scoring, did I finally pass him. Wow, I didn’t see that coming. I was able to score more than him for each of the final categories.
Disc Golf 08/08/2009
Jon and I played disc golf at Wilco today. Unfortunately, we came up behind a group of six people who were playing exceptionally slowly. And they were not kind enough to wave us past them. So we skipped hole 14 and went to hole 15. We don’t normally like skipping holes, but we didn’t want to add another half an hour to the time it would take us.
We ate lunch at Double Dave’s. The only notable thing about it was that there was a car carrier performing repairs in the parking lot.
Game Day 08/05/2009
We started off with yet another filler of Dominion: Intrigue. And yet another meh playing.
Luckily, everyone was interested in playing Phoenicia. It has been too long since I have played this game. And I suffered for it. Instead of building up my income immediately, I bid on, and won, a dyer card. I had my sights set on Cloth Making and not on profitability. Unfortunately, it took me the entire game to recover from that setback. The R.O.I. (return on investment) nature of this can also amplify a slow start into a much slower purchasing power. Unfortunately, I probably cannot get game to the table again.
We finished up with the Ra dice game. It is pretty thematic to the original game. However, there is no bidding aspect to it. So you can’t always call Ra when it your turn and you have low tiles. Which means that this game has a different feel to it.
Disc Golf 08/01/2009
We played disc golf at the Brushy Creek course. And Nick, Stephanie, and baby Huxton played with us. Well Huxton played with his own set of toys.
Brushy Creek is about as far from a baby stroller as you can get. There is a small river running though the course (well there should be if it ever rained around here). So, we had to carry it up and down.
I got in the way of Stephanie taking a picture of her kid.
And this was the result.
They left for a Descent game after nine holes. But thankfully, they did show up for some disc golf…