Queen Hello Kitty link
Jesus is bad for America link
“I am a man, and you are a woman” link
Why do alarm clocks snooze for 9 minutes? link
Even monkeys go to jail link
Are you better off with Bush or Clinton? link
The constitution is a fake! link
Julia Louis-Dreyfus vs. Paris Hilton link
The cost of war link
Art bot link
Someone found a digital camera’s memory card and is posting pictures link
Portraits of people drawn with a ball point pen link
How many times can you fold a piece of paper in half? link
Electorial map of US by size link
Sugar alcohol link
Patent for dual display laptop for sale on Ebay link
3,000 pounds of pork were recalled because microchips were implanted in them link
Rant: Rice burners link
Professor who wanted to require students to vote was stopped link
Use Taco Bell hot sauce to clean pennies link
BMW unveils world’s fastest hydrogen-powered car link
Hello Kitty Bluetooth link
Working by myself, I found that I could move a 15 ton building at a speed of 6 feet per hour link