Another day of disc golf at a new (to me) course. The course is located off of Well Branch Boulevard and IH-35 and is only 9 holes in length. So we played it twice. There was good news and bad news for the day.
The bad news was that the water traps were particulary ferocious! And what was surprising was that the river was tiny and shallow! And yet it must have swallowed ten of our discs. Mike had the worst luck of us all. He had bought a new disc and
practiced with it a little bit and found that he liked it. But on the first hole of the course, he threw it into the water. And at that moment, a pump up the hill turned up and started sending water down the hill. Which went into the stream and
totally clouled up the water. Which meant that Mike could not find his disc. And only after we were done with all of the holes did the water finally clear up enough to see the disc.
The good news was that I got two birdies! Which was enough for my team to win twice. Woo woo!
Adam starts to carry around a big stick in order to help rescue Mike’s disc at the end of the game.
Mike finally retreives his disc!