Game Day 11/10/2005

Game #1


While we were waiting for Jon to show up, we started off with a learning game of Mu. Our goal was to expose John to this great trick taking card game for five players. Unfortunately, Doug still is not a fan of it.

Game #2


When we broke up into two three player groups, John suggested Kreta. I was able to play better than the last time but still not good enough to win. And weirdly enough, John was in the position that I was in when I played it before. He was out of
contention for the current spaces with not much hope to change the future course of the game. Perhaps there is a flaw in this game?

Game #3

Anno 1503 Aristocrats and Pirates

Doug suggested this game after I failed to get John to want to play Railroad dice. In this game, sixes were rolled a lot. Which means that lots of bad things happened. Doug was able to steal a specific card from me three times! Argh! But what was
funny was that he thought that he needed one building to win the game. Little did he realize that I had taken the last special building in the game. So he did not win it. He did have to go after another victory condition (which he did after two